This article was developed within the program Venture an Idea funded by the USAID., an initiative of the Serbian Games Association, is now available to students, professionals, or parents worldwide. It demystifies and explains 50 different professions in game development and helps students and young professionals find their professional path in game dev.


The Shift2Games project aims to popularize gaming professions and the industry at large among young people who are finishing high school or university studies, as well as young professionals already active in other relevant industries. The gaming and creative-tech industries are some of the fastest-developing fields, both globally and in our local and regional contexts.

The aim of the platform is to support the development of the available talent pool in the best possible way – by addressing students and high schoolers, future game dev colleagues and professionals, as well as their parents, who still need to find out more about our industry and get reassured about how serious and prosperous working in game development may be. Still, the platform is also an ideal resource for all those considering a career shift into game dev from other related fields.

There is no other online resource where it is possible to find and explore detailed information about as many as 50 positions in the gaming industry, across 10 departments. This will potentially enable millions of young people who are interested in professional engagements within the game dev domain, no matter where they are based, to get to know which jobs there are within the industry, what are their specifics, which soft/hard skills are required or desirable, which tools are being used, and much more.

Numerous game dev professions are covered, with each one having its own dedicated page. Beyond the descriptions of professions themselves, you are now able to find out what a job interview for a respective position looks like and how to prepare for it, read testimonials from professionals, and explore external links with plenty of additional resources and reference materials (books, videos, tutorials, etc.). All of the job descriptions were developed in collaboration with SGA members and their respective HR departments, so the documentation is vetted by industry veterans working in those specific fields.

In addition, you can also explore testimonials and blogs, as well as video interviews, as part of the six-episode Shift2Games TV series, now also available with English subtitles on YouTube.


This article is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this program are the responsibility of Nova Iskra and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government

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