This article was developed within the program Venture an Idea funded by the USAID.

Based on data on 3.5 million startups in more than 290 global ecosystems, the 2023 Startup Genome Report provides new insights into startup ecosystem trends around the world. As part of this year's report, the startup ecosystems of Belgrade and Novi Sad were analyzed again, and these are some of the key findings:

  • Serbia is recognized among the top 20 European ecosystems for available talent — in a category that measures the employability of tech talent.
  • Gaming, blockchain as well as the field of medtech, biotech and healthtech are the most prominent sectors due to the amount of talent, resources, support and startup activity.
  • The base of technological talent, tax benefits and international connectivity are cited as reasons why startup operations should move to Belgrade and Novi Sad.
  • The total value of the exit from 2018 to 2022 is 647 million dollars. ​
  • Serbia has more than 45,000 highly qualified technology professionals.

The Global Startup Ecosystem 2023 Report was created in partnership with Global Entrepreneurship Network, Dealroom and Crunchbase and provides invaluable insight and guidance on how to promote thriving startup communities that are engines of job creation and economic growth.

This article is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this program are the responsibility of Nova Iskra and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

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