This article was developed within the program Venture an Idea funded by the USAID.


Belgrade is full of bakeries. At every, and literally every corner, you can find baked pastry (in addition to sandwiches and cakes), its smells spreading along the pavements. As bakeries can be found absolutely everywhere, you should never be hungry on the street. However, there are some pastry workshops that certainly stand out and deserve their cult status, being an integral part of this city’s spirit. Belgrade bakeries are small kingdoms of pastry, where you can find everything, from the traditional puff pastry products, both savory and sweet, traditional burek, all the way to sandwiches and French-style small pastries. 

ÄŒarli Bakery

ÄŒarli is a cult bakery and guardian of the spirit and scent of old Belgrade. It is located in the very heart of the city, right by the Republic Square, and it is famous for its savory and sweet rolls, buns with cracklings and burek pie with meat, cheese, spinach, or without filling. Here you can also find vegan burek!  


Bakery LjupÄe is run by a Macedonian guy who makes the best burek in the city, and is located in the vicinity of the Botanical Garden. You should arrive here early and wait in one of the two lines: the first is for the burek with meat, cheese, or without filling, while the other is for the rest of their assortment. Be patient because their burek is truly unforgettable. An important notice: even though many such places in Serbia work seven days a week, LjupÄe is closed on Sundays. 

ÄŒubura Bakery

Another famous place, best-known for its burek. It is one of the favorite places of this kind, partly because of the fact that they work 24/7. The ÄŒubura bakery is an around-the-clock burek concept. There are two types of Belgrade folks: LjupÄe burek fans and ÄŒubura burek fans. You can pick your favorite yourself.  

Kirćanski Bakery 

This almost hundred years old bakery is located in the vicinity of the Äeram farmers’ market, in the shade of linden trees, and in order to reach it, you can take a nice walk down the King Alexander’s Boulevard. This bakery is a family affair and you can always find an abundance of fresh pastries there. Kirćanski makes fantastic rolls in different shapes and flavors, without filling, or filled with cheese, or bacon, sprinkled with seeds…  

We also need to mention Aca Bakery, known as perhaps the best quality bakery in the city, located in Svetogorska Street, adjacent to the Srpska Kafana restaurant. Aca is oriented toward French-style pastries, while they also make pottage of the day, an odd portion of lasagna and small homemade cookies and desserts.  TrpkoviÄ Bakery can be found in a couple of different locations. Here you can try different succulent, buttery and delicious pastries and pies, and small savory and sweet calorie bombs, fantastic for the day after a long night out. It is well known that their showcases are full throughout the day. Of course, we must not forget bakery Kalemegdan, where you can eat warm wiener rolls at 3am. 

This article was made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this article are the responsibility of Nova Iskra and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

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